Gym Challenge Complete Master Set (132/132) 2000
Used/Vintage Pokémon
Pokémon Gym Challenge Complete Master Set (132/132). Includes all 132 Gym Challenge cards.
Gym Challenge is the 7th Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion set released by Wizards of the Coast. There are 132 total cards in the Gym Challenge set. The Gym Challenge expansion serves as a counterpart to the Gym Heroes expansion. Gym Challenge was released on October 16 2000. The set is known for containing Pokémon that belong to particular Gym Leaders - including Sabrina, Koga, Blaine, and Giovanni.
All cards are authentic, official Pokémon TCG (Trading Card Game) Cards. All cards are in English. All cards are raw (ungraded) unless otherwise stated. Card conditions in this particular set range from Near Mint to Moderately Played. Cards are carefully stored and shipped protected in an included high-quality side load binder. Send us an e-mail at or use the chat feature to ask for photos of the complete set for sale or any individual cards! We sell a large number of sets and the set in the photographs may be a set that we previously sold and not the exact cards for sale! For more information be sure to check our Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) section!
Gym Challenge Complete Master Set Card List:
1/132 Blaine's Arcanine (Holofoil)
2/132 Blaine's Charizard (Holofoil)
3/132 Brock's Ninetales (Holofoil)
4/132 Erika's Venusaur (Holofoil)
5/132 Giovanni's Gyarados (Holofoil)
6/132 Giovanni's Machamp (Holofoil)
7/132 Giovanni's Nidoking (Holofoil)
8/132 Giovanni's Persian (Holofoil)
9/132 Koga's Beedrill (Holofoil)
10/132 Koga's Ditto (Holofoil)
11/132 Lt. Surge's Raichu (Holofoil)
12/133 Misty's Golduck (Holofoil)
13/132 Misty's Gyarados (Holofoil)
14/132 Rocket's Mewtwo (Holofoil)
15/132 Rocket's Zapdos (Holofoil)
16/132 Sabrina's Alakazam (Holofoil)
17/132 Blaine (Holofoil)
18/132 Giovanni (Holofoil)
19/132 Koga (Holofoil)
20/132 Sabrina (Holofoil)
21/132 Blaine's Ninetales
22/132 Brock's Dugtrio
23/132 Giovanni's Nidoqueen
24/132 Giovanni's Pinsir
25/132 Koga's Arbok
26/132 Koga's Muk
27/132 Koga's Pidgeotto
28/132 Lt. Surge's Jolteon
29/132 Sabrina's Gengar
30/132 Sabrina's Golduck
31/132 Blaine's Charmeleon
32/132 Blaine's Dodrio
33/132 Blaine's Rapidash
34/132 Brock's Graveler
35/132 Brock's Primeape
36/132 Brock's Sandslash
37/132 Brock's Vulpix
38/132 Erika's Bellsprout
39/132 Erika's Bulbasaur
40/132 Erika's Clefairy
41/132 Erika's Ivysaur
42/132 Giovanni's Machoke
43/132 Giovanni's Meowth (lv 12)
44/132 Giovanni's Nidorina
45/132 Giovanni's Nidorino
46/132 Koga's Golbat
47/132 Koga's Kakuna
48/132 Koga's Koffing
49/132 Koga's Pidgey (lv 5)
50/132 Koga's Weezing
51/132 Lt. Surge's Eevee
52/132 Lt. Surge's Electrode
53/132 Lt. Surge's Raticate
54/132 Misty's Dewgong
55/132 Sabrina's Haunter
56/132 Sabrina's Hypno
57/132 Sabrina's Jynx
58/132 Sabrina's Kadabra
59/132 Sabrina's Mr. Mime
60/132 Blaine's Charmander
61/132 Blaine's Doduo
62/132 Blaine's Growlithe
63/132 Blaine's Mankey
64/132 Blaine's Ponyta
65/132 Blaine's Rhyhorn
66/132 Blaine's Vulpix
67/132 Brock's Diglett
68/132 Brock's Geodude
69/132 Erika's Jigglypuff
70/132 Erika's Oddish
71/132 Erika's Paras
72/132 Giovanni's Machop
73/132 Giovanni's Magikarp
74/132 Giovanni's Meowth (lv 17)
75/132 Giovanni's Nidoran F
76/132 Giovanni's Nidoran M
77/132 Koga's Ekans
78/132 Koga's Grimer
79/132 Koga's Koffing
80/132 Koga's Pidgey (lv 15)
81/132 Koga's Tangela
82/132 Koga's Weedle
83/132 Koga's Zubat
84/132 Lt. Surge's Pikachu
85/132 Lt. Surge's Rattata
86/132 Lt. Surge's Voltorb
87/132 Misty's Seadra
88/132 Misty's Magikarp
89/132 Misty's Poliwag
90/132 Misty's Psyduck
91/132 Misty's Seel
92/132 Misty's Staryu
93/132 Sabrina's Abra
94/132 Sabrina's Abra
95/132 Sabrina's Drowzee
96/132 Sabrina's Gastly (lv 9)
97/132 Sabrina's Gastly (lv 10)
98/132 Sabrina's Porygon
99/132 Sabrina's Psyduck
100/132 Blaine
101/132 Brock's Protection
102/132 Chaos Gym
103/132 Erika's Kindness
104/132 Giovanni
105/132 Giovani's Last Resort
106/132 Koga
107/132 Lt. Surge's Secret Plan
108/132 Misty's Wish
109/132 Resistance
110/132 Sabrina
111/132 Blaine's Quiz 2
112/132 Blaine's Quiz 3
113/132 Cinnabar City Gym
114/132 Fuchsia City Gym
115/132 Koga's Ninja Trick
116/132 Master Ball
117/132 Max Revive
118/132 Misty's Tears
119/132 Rocket's Minefield Gym
120/132 Rocket's Secret Experiment
121/132 Sabrina's Psychic Control
122/132 Saffron City Gym
123/132 Viridian City Gym
124/132 Fervor
125/132 Transparent Walls
126/132 Warp Point
127/132 Fighting Energy
128/132 Fire Energy
129/132 Grass Energy
130/132 Lightning Energy
131/132 Psychic Energy
132/132 Water Energy
Disclaimer: Please note that while the images shown on our listings are not pictures of the exact cards in each set. You will receive one of each of the cards shown in the photos, but the cards received will not be the exact cards pictured. These images are from previously sold sets and serve as a reference. Every card is unique and the actual cards you receive may vary from those shown in the images. We adhere to card condition guidelines and are committed to transparency in our descriptions and titles. For additional peace of mind, we welcome requests for front and back close-ups of any specific cards prior to your purchase. By placing an order, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.