Pokémon Neo Genesis: The Dawn of a New Era

Pokémon Neo Genesis: The Dawn of a New Era

Pokémon Neo Genesis: The Dawn of a New Era

The Neo Genesis set, released in 2000, marked the beginning of the Johto region in the Pokémon TCG. With powerful cards like Lugia, Typhlosion, and Feraligatr, this expansion remains a cornerstone for collectors.

Why Neo Genesis is Legendary

The Neo Genesis set introduced Johto Pokémon, dual-type Pokémon, and the Metal Energy card, bringing fresh gameplay and iconic artwork to the Pokémon TCG. It’s a must-have for fans of the second generation.

Top Cards in Neo Genesis

Here are some of the most sought-after cards from Neo Genesis. Click the links to purchase directly:

Where to Buy Neo Genesis Cards

Expand your Pokémon TCG collection with Neo Genesis cards:

Begin Your Journey with Neo Genesis

The Pokémon Neo Genesis set captures the excitement of a new era in the TCG. Shop now on TradingCardSets.com and add these Johto-region classics to your collection today!

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