Mixed Vintage Original 151 Complete Set



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Original 151 Custom Vintage Pokémon Card Set – Complete Kanto Collection

Relive the magic of the Kanto region with this exclusive collection!

Embark on a nostalgic journey with our meticulously curated Original 151 Custom Vintage Pokémon Card Set. This comprehensive set includes one of each of the original 151 Kanto Pokémon, sourced exclusively from vintage sets such as Base Set, Jungle, Fossil, Team Rocket, Gym Heroes, Gym Challenge, Neo Series, Legendary Collection, E-Readers, Aquapolis, and more.

🌟 Features:

Complete Kanto Collection: From Bulbasaur to Mew, capture the essence of the first generation with all 151 original Pokémon cards.

Vintage Cards Only: Every card is authentic and sourced from classic vintage sets, offering true nostalgia for collectors and fans alike.

Holographic Highlights: Includes at least 10 holographic cards, featuring some of the most sought-after holos from the vintage era.

First Edition Commons: Some sets may include First Edition common cards, adding unique value and rarity to your collection.

Secure Shipping: All cards are individually sleeved and securely placed in a side-load binder, ensuring they arrive in pristine condition.

Custom Inquiries Welcome: Want to see close-up photos or get a list of the holos in your specific set? Contact us anytime!

📜 Pokémon Included:

1. Bulbasaur

2. Ivysaur

3. Venusaur

4. Charmander

5. Charmeleon

6. Charizard

7. Squirtle

8. Wartortle

9. Blastoise

10. Caterpie

11. Metapod

12. Butterfree

13. Weedle

14. Kakuna

15. Beedrill

16. Pidgey

17. Pidgeotto

18. Pidgeot

19. Rattata

20. Raticate

21. Spearow

22. Fearow

23. Ekans

24. Arbok

25. Pikachu

26. Raichu

27. Sandshrew

28. Sandslash

29. Nidoran♀

30. Nidorina

31. Nidoqueen

32. Nidoran♂

33. Nidorino

34. Nidoking

35. Clefairy

36. Clefable

37. Vulpix

38. Ninetales

39. Jigglypuff

40. Wigglytuff

41. Zubat

42. Golbat

43. Oddish

44. Gloom

45. Vileplume

46. Paras

47. Parasect

48. Venonat

49. Venomoth

50. Diglett

51. Dugtrio

52. Meowth

53. Persian

54. Psyduck

55. Golduck

56. Mankey

57. Primeape

58. Growlithe

59. Arcanine

60. Poliwag

61. Poliwhirl

62. Poliwrath

63. Abra

64. Kadabra

65. Alakazam

66. Machop

67. Machoke

68. Machamp

69. Bellsprout

70. Weepinbell

71. Victreebel

72. Tentacool

73. Tentacruel

74. Geodude

75. Graveler

76. Golem

77. Ponyta

78. Rapidash

79. Slowpoke

80. Slowbro

81. Magnemite

82. Magneton

83. Farfetch’d

84. Doduo

85. Dodrio

86. Seel

87. Dewgong

88. Grimer

89. Muk

90. Shellder

91. Cloyster

92. Gastly

93. Haunter

94. Gengar

95. Onix

96. Drowzee

97. Hypno

98. Krabby

99. Kingler

100. Voltorb

101. Electrode

102. Exeggcute

103. Exeggutor

104. Cubone

105. Marowak

106. Hitmonlee

107. Hitmonchan

108. Lickitung

109. Koffing

110. Weezing

111. Rhyhorn

112. Rhydon

113. Chansey

114. Tangela

115. Kangaskhan

116. Horsea

117. Seadra

118. Goldeen

119. Seaking

120. Staryu

121. Starmie

122. Mr. Mime

123. Scyther

124. Jynx

125. Electabuzz

126. Magmar

127. Pinsir

128. Tauros

129. Magikarp

130. Gyarados

131. Lapras

132. Ditto

133. Eevee

134. Vaporeon

135. Jolteon

136. Flareon

137. Porygon

138. Omanyte

139. Omastar

140. Kabuto

141. Kabutops

142. Aerodactyl

143. Snorlax

144. Articuno

145. Zapdos

146. Moltres

147. Dratini

148. Dragonair

149. Dragonite

150. Mewtwo

151. Mew


🎁 Why Choose This Set?

Authenticity Guaranteed: All cards are original vintage, no reprints or fakes.

Perfect for Collectors: Complete your collection or start anew with this comprehensive set.

Great Gift Idea: An ideal present for Pokémon enthusiasts and nostalgic fans.


📦 Shipping & Handling:

Safe Packaging: Cards are individually sleeved and placed in a side-load binder to prevent damage.

Fast Dispatch: We process orders quickly to get your collection to you as soon as possible.

Tracking Provided: Stay updated with your shipment’s progress every step of the way.


💬 Need More Information?

We’re happy to provide:

Close-up photos of the cards.

A detailed list of the holographic cards included in your specific set.

Answers to any questions you may have.

Feel free to reach out to us at any time!


🔒 Satisfaction Guaranteed:

We are committed to ensuring you are thrilled with your purchase. If you have any concerns, please contact us, and we’ll make it right.

Note: Due to the nature of vintage cards, some may show slight signs of wear consistent with their age. Rest assured, all cards are in good to excellent condition, perfect for collecting and displaying.

Add this timeless collection to your cart today and own a piece of Pokémon history!